Wednesday 21 November 2012


Unemployment is such a bad phenomenon to each of the country because it will affect to the country’s economy. If the UK economy falls, UK would face huge issues. Based on the news, UK unemployment falls to 2.5 million which mean UK employment getting lesser and their country economy getting better and better. Due to the news we can know that they have found some ways to solve this problem. There are two ways to overcome the unemployment; there are fiscal policies and monetary policies. Fiscal policies are helping to increase aggregate demand and the rate of economic growth.  Government need to pursue expansionary fiscal policy to cutting taxes and increasing government spending. After lower the taxes, disposable income will increase. Expansionary monetary policy is when a central bank uses its tools to stimulate the economy. UK central bank which are bank of England use those policy to fix the unemployment issue.

An increasing in aggregate demand, the real GDP will be increasing at the same time. If firms produce more, the demand for workers will increase therefore the demand deficient unemployment will decrease. Moreover, the higher the aggregate demand the stronger the economic growth which means fewer job losses. Government also should create additional demand to reduce unemployment. Monetary policies lower the rates borrowing because want people to make investment and encourage people to spent more. It will increase the aggregate demand and the GDP will increase too so the demand deficient unemployment decrease.

These are the ways to overcome the unemployment. It is important to the country which is facing this problem because it is related to the economics of the country.

1 comment:

  1. This is well written. I'd point out that the policies you mentioned above (Fiscal and monetary policy) will directly help to achieve employment but it will definitely affect the other macroeconomic objectives such as inflation. From the post above, you mentioned that expansionary fiscal policy will increase the aggregate demand and jobs will be created. However, this might trigger demand pull inflation due to aggregate demand increase more than the aggregate supply. In this case, another problem will occur and hence economy might be worsen.

    Therefore, I'd like to say that unemployment is not an issue that could be solved in short term. There are many factors should be taken into considered before conclusion could be made. :)
