Thursday 22 November 2012

Online Shopping

Online shopping.

                For the new generations teenagers, because of the technology developed they can start to buy shirts, shoes and even books through the internet. Buying things from internet not only will increase the profit of the shop, the profit of post office and government taxes will also increase. There are a lot of different websites to shop online. There is mostly sell Korean brand or some special accessories so that can attract the customers to buy more and get the discount to pay less.

                Furthermore, buying goods online will improve the economy of our own country and also other country. It has to depend buy from which website. This will be better if we can buy stuff from our own country because it brings a lot of convenient and we can pay less for the cost of postage. The most important is we can improve the economy of our own country. So if we buy more from the other country, we have to depend on the currency of the country and the cost of postage will be higher. For an example, if a customer buy shirt from a US website, this will help to improve their economy.

                Moreover, the more the customers buy from online shop, the lesser profit the shops in Malaysia earn. Buying stuff from online shop is convenient because u can stay at home and choose the product you want. This is also a way to low down the rate of air pollution because we no need to drive out to buy. But this will affect the shop that has own business in Malaysia. Less customer to buy their product, most of the small business will face some big problem such as no enough profit to pay for the rent, the government tax and also the bills. At last, the business will closed or some even got into bankruptcy.

                Besides that, online shopping will cause the demand for product produce by Malaysia decrease. Most of the customer choose import product so it will increase the quantity demanded for import product. By looking at the market , when the quantity demanded for the Malaysia product decrease , the quantity supply for Malaysia product remain , this will affect the market and cause shortage for Malaysia product. When this happened, the taxes for the import product must be increase, so this can causes less people buying import product and choose the Malaysia product. Then the demand for Malaysia will increase and the market will be equal and stable.

                Last but not least, online shopping has brought a lot convenient to our life but it also brings some disadvantages to us. We should choose to buy Malaysia product because we are Malaysia, but as a customer we have our rights to choose where we want to buy too. 


  1. will it charge more..?? online paying will charge any special fee anot..??

  2. When the quantity demanded for Malaysia product decreases while the quantity supplied of Malaysian product remains, i think it causes a surplus as quantity supplied is now more than the quantity demanded. correct me if i am wrong.
